PTFE Back-up Ring
Back-up Rings have no intended sealing function.
They are protective and supporting elements made from extrusion-resistant materials which generally have a rectangular cross section. They are installed in a groove together with an elastomeric sealing element preferably with a corresponding O-Ring in static applications.Due to the tight fit of the Back-up Ring in the housing, they prevent extrusion of the pressurised elastomeric sealing element into the sealing gap.


  • Use of O-Rings in high pressure applications
  • Use of O-Ring materials with a low hardness
  • Compensation of radial sealing gaps
  • Use for internal and external sealing applications - Reciprocating and rotating movements possible
  • Reciprocating and rotating movements possible
  • Compensation for large temperature fluctuations
  • Static and dynamic applications

Back-Up Ring Types, Uncut

  • BM

    Seal Type

    External sealing (Bore) Internal sealing (Rod)
    Material: PTFE
    Rectangular cross section
    Standard: AS568, MS27595, JISB2407
    Static and dynamic applications
    Reciprocating and rotating movements possible
  • BCM

    Seal Type

    External sealing (Bore) Internal sealing (Rod)
    Material: NBR,FKM,PTFE
    Concave cross section
    Standard: AS568
    The large contact surface protects the O-Ring against
    Deformation in case of high pulsating pressur
    Dimensional stability of the O-Ring improves the sealing force and increases the service life
    Preferably for static use
    Reciprocating movements possible

Back-Up Ring Types, cut

  • BG

    Seal Type

    External sealing (Bore) Internal sealing (Rod)
    Material: PTFE
    Rectangular cross section
    Cut angle of 30° or 45° or 20°
    Static and dynamic use
    Reciprocating and rotating movements possible
    Preferred for installations in a closed groove where uncut Back-up Rings are not suitable
  • BCC

    Seal Type

    External sealing (Bore) Internal sealing (Rod)
    Material: PTFE
    Concave cross section
    Cut angle of 30° or 45°
    The large contact surface protects the O-Ring against
    Deformation in case of high pulsating pressur
    Dimensional stability of the O-Ring improves the sealing force and increases the service life
    Preferably for static use
    Reciprocating movements possible
    Preferred for installations in a closed groove where uncut Back-up Rings are not suitable.

Back-up Ring Types, spiral

  • SP

    Seal Type

    External sealing (Bore) Internal sealing (Rod)
    Material: PTFE;
    Rectangular cross section;
    Cut angle of 30° or 45°;
    Consists as standard two spiral windings which are cut at the ends at an angle;
    Static and dynamic use;
    For reciprocating movements only
    Preferred for installations in a closed groove where uncut Back-up Ring are not suitable;
    Compensation of large temperature changes and tolerances without difficulties by a
    screw-like elongation and contraction. Easy Installation in closed grooves for external sealing applications;
    The dimensions are different compared to standard Back-up Rings.

Materials Selection

Back-up Rings are as standard manufactured from virgin PTFE. In view of the unfavourable cold flow behaviour of virgin PTFE, these Back-up Rings are used only for low to medium loads. For higher load requirements, filled PTFE materials (with glassfibre, bronze, carbon, etc.) have to be used. For sealing against high pressures, Back-up Rings made from specially modified thermoplastic materials are used.For the series production of larger quantities, injection moulded Back-up Rings can be manufactured, e.g. NBR 90 Shore A, FKM90 Shore A, or thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) on request.

Fields Of Application

- Injection moulding machines
- Machine tools
- Presses
- Excavators
- Agricultural machines
- Valves for hydraulic circuits

Technical Data

  • 2m/s

    Speed: Reciprocating or rotating up to approx. 2 m/s depending on the material

  • 40 Mpa

    Dynamic applications: Reciprocating up to approx. 40 MPa

  • 15 Mpa

    Oscillating/slowly rotating up to approx. 15 MPa

  • 250 Mpa

    Static applications: Up to approx. 250 MPa depending on the Back-up Ring material and sealing gap

  • -200°C to +260°C

    Operating temperature: - 200 °C to + 260 °C depending on the material